Hi! Here’s a little bit of what’s been going on around here ..
Last weekend I tested a few of my new stencils, took a some pics and added them to my shop.
a larger trellis, it’s a good scale for walls. I also just got an image from Cat ( @catpham on instagram) who purchased my smaller trellis, which looks amazing!! Just takes a little more time than the larger one, but so worth it!
and a larger octagon stencil, also a good scale for a wall.
I’m busy working on a few new stencil designs – so I’ll be spending more time on that to get it going!
Right now (while we’re in a rental) I’m just stenciling on a left over piece of plywood .. for our new house I’m envisioning an accent wall in a tv room / project room in the basement that I could change whenever I have a new stencil.
Also, a few changes on the site .. David and I started updating some pages the other week, design services and projects are new! More to come, but this was a good start!
Hope you all are having a great week!!
Love the new stencils Sarah. Have a great weekend!
I have yet to try to make some stencils. I always love yours!
How do you get the watercolor effect? I've never had latex paint do anything like that on a wall….(its really nice).
I lightly dip my roller (smooth white, foam 4" or 6") in the paint and then roll on a paper towel on a plate or extra paint tray until it's even and there's practically no paint on the roller and then roll it over the stencil. It goes on really light, so it allows you to control it more – plus it helps to avoid the paint going under the stencil! 🙂 The image above only has one coat. The watercolor effect works best with darker colors.
I'm in love with the blue stenciled wall! How did you make it so watercolor-esque?
Thanks Kate! 🙂 I lightly dip my roller (smooth white, foam 4" or 6") in the paint and then roll on a paper towel on a plate or extra paint tray until it's even and there's practically no paint on the roller and then roll it over the stencil. It goes on really light, so it allows you to control it more – plus it helps to avoid the paint going under the stencil! 🙂 The image above only has one coat. The watercolor effect works best with darker colors.
Looks great! Do you the your large fretwork is too big for a half bathroom? I love it but am worried the scale would be HUGE!
I love how the first stencil turned out. It almost looks like watercolor! Did you use the same technique from your tutorial on how you stencil, or something different?
love your stencils!