It’s week two of Blogging 101!
Today, I’m sharing three tips on growing your blog. Here we go!
1. Focus on photography.
When I started blogging, I didn’t know how to use a DSLR in manual mode. I tried looking at tutorials online and books, but I didn’t get too far. Then, I discovered Shoot Fly Shoot – an online video tutorial to that teaches you to photograph in manual mode. It’s super clear and easy to understand – perfect for visual learners!
Here are my photography basics:
I have a Nikon D3100 – I shoot mostly with a 50 mm lens (I find that fixed lens verse a zoom lens gives a crisper photo) For wide angles, I use 10-24 lens. If you’re starting out, I definitely recommend a cheaper camera body and an upgraded lens.
I always shoot in raw – you have full control of the settings (jpeg makes decisions for you). I edit my photos in Photoshop. Shoot Fly Shoot also has tutorials for that – I learned in school and from David, so I didn’t take those, but I’m sure they are great too! Editing in Photoshop can take a photo from blah to wow!
Having great photos is so important to grabbing reader’s attention, having a professional looking site – and giving your site credibility! Also, look at some of your favorite sites and think about what they are doing right – camera angles, the right images and the right amount i.e. full shot from far out, details and different angles – you don’t want to include multiple images at a similar angle, each image should have a purpose.
2. Join a community.
Find bloggers that you connect with and share a similar interest. Read, comment and be engaged in other blogs. You’ll probably find the most benefit from those that are around the same point as you – i.e. started blogging around the same time. Making friends will give you support, motivate you, share advice and connections. As you they grow, you will grow and as you grow they will grow!
3. Originality.
Think about doing projects/content that are original, creative and makes people think wow! I wonder how they did that. If you’re doing something that isn’t seen often – it’s more likely to be shared and featured elsewhere. Also, put yourself out there – be engaged on the social media sites of your favorite brands – don’t overdue it because, let’s face it, no one likes that .. but share and engage, in a professional way. Pin, join link parties, use hash tags.
Be sure to stop by With Heart, Bliss at Home, The White Buffalo Stylinh Co., Emily A Clark – to see their top tips on growing a blog!
All so true Sarah. Learning to shoot in manual with a DSLR is a HUGE game changer for sure. That is really when I felt like my blog started taking off. There is major value in taking the time to learn that skill set. Great post friend! xo
I just finished the Photography 101 course from ShootFlyShoot! I also have 102. The 101 course was really a refresher for me but I'm excited to see what they teach in 102. It is an amazing resource, for sure!
Love it and I have always been so inspired by your photos! I've worked really hard in this area and have made progress, but I really want to learn to shoot in raw and take it to the next level. i do manual mode, but raw scares me to death haha! Need to take that class 🙂
three EXCELLENT tips! Photography and originality are so so so important now. People can smell a phony a mile away, and bad photos send readers running. Love reading your tips, Sarah!
I hate to admit this but I just started shooting in manual and it's made all the difference. Definitely a great tip!
Tank you for this! We have the same camera, but I do not have a special lens for it. I struggle with taking good photos, and yours are always beautiful! I think purchasing the lens you have will be my next step. It is affordable! Great information here!