Today our home is being featured on It’s Overflowing, make sure to stop by and take a look! It’s almost like a brand new home tour since SO much has changed recently!
Make sure to browse Aimee’s amazing site too! The decor and project sections have endless inspiration!!
and a project update. Two of our five shelves had laminate (we used two sheets of mismatched MDF but the same thickness from Habitat Restore). Well that laminate was unsandable, and when I put my regular primer on it flaked off too easily when dry. My original plan was to put a coat of poly ontop of the paint for added durability, but I ultimately decided to do it right and start with a better primer.
So I sanded off the primer from the two laminate shelves, followed Kate’s advice and used Zinsser Cover Stain Oil based primer. It is designed to stick to glossy surfaces without sanding, and after two coats, it looks great!
I’m a little behind, but I think it’ll be worth it!
A BIG thank you to everyone who voted on their favorite paint color for the shelving! The poll on the sidebar didn’t collect the votes properly (like it said 50 votes and then went down to 10). I won’t be using that one again! So I don’t have a 100% accurate count, but I’m going off of your comments and what I saw in the poll throughout the day. Check out my instragram today to see what I decide!
LOVE LOVE LOVE, Aimee. Heading on over to check it out! 🙂
Saw you on Aimee's blog this morning already. Her blog is great.
Going to peek 😉