Hope you had a great weekend! Ours went by way too fast, we were still catching up on sleep from our trip to MD, but did make some progress on a few projects.
Saturday morning we took our chairs to the upholster to see if they could reattach the outer plastic trim (which holds the fabric onto the shell) and it was not a great experience. After watching the “professional” drop our chair on the floor and then wanting to put a test staple through the fiberglass we were not impressed. Needless to say, we ran out of there clutching onto our chairs. Next time I need an upholster, I won’t simply trust Yelp reviews, but get a recommendation from someone I know …
Moving on, that night we requested a quote from a shop in LA that specializes in Eames refurbishing (still waiting to hear back). If that isn’t an option, we are considering using trim for car seats. After a little googling, we found that using car seat trim is a common solution since they don’t sell the replacement trim for the chairs anymore.
In the meantime, I decided to attempt the fabric cover. It lines up with the creases in the foam. Now we just have to see if it will sit flush with the shell once adhered. It was originally attached with some type of adhesive. We still need to do a little research to see what will work best.
Onto project two. Awhile ago I mentioned that we wanted to replace our desk with something narrower to fit with the credenza better. Currently, it is covering part of the first door on the credenza and I would prefer that it be flush like in this drawing I made.
The photo above shows where David left off last night. After gluing two 1x12s together and attaching trim, he sanded the top. So far, so good!
At first we disagreed about the design, David thought my idea looked a little too country (not that there is anything wrong with that, just wouldn’t fit in with the rest of office) and I thought his idea looked a little too Ikea (again, nothing wrong with that, I love Ikea!) I just wanted something a little more different. Eventually, after showing David a few more photos from different angles, he gave in decided that my idea was good.
I’ll share more details of the design once we get a little further, but we are planning on keeping it the natural wood (poplar).
Finally, I need your help.
I’ve narrowed down the trim for the white Lenda draperies in the bedroom to a large eyelet or velvet with small tassels centered on the trim (not in photo, but to be attached later) (similar look on the mood board from Friday), but can’t decide. Any opinions would be appreciated 🙂
If the scale is right, I like the chain texture. That being said, I am about to do linen and a black velvet flocked headboard fabric. And black velvet ribbon up full creamy curtains would be yummy. Draw it and you'll know.
Thinking I like the eyelet trim!
I say go with the eyelet!