I am working on hanging the art in the office/living room and just finished a push pin board for the office area. I’ll wait to show more photos until I hang the rest of the art – it’s looking a little lonely as is …
For now, here is how I did it!
1. Take an old frame (I found my at Goodwill for $10), sand it to remove the glossy finish
2. After wiping down, prime and then spray paint – I wait about 45 minutes between coats (make sure to use several light strokes so the paint doesn’t run!)
3. Cut the back piece to fit the frame – I used the back of a large poster board that I had left over from another project
4. Apply cork – I used cork contact paper with a sticky back (you may want to use two layers if your backing won’t allow pins in)
5. Wrap fabric, pull tight and staple with a staple gun
6. Secure the cork to the frame (I used nails – make sure they aren’t too long so they don’t go through!)
Cost breakdown:
Frame $10, Cork $10, Fabric $7, Paint $7 = $34
I was back at Goodwill today and found a cork board that would of replaced the backing and cork for $3 🙁 I guess you can’t catch every great deal …
I’m looking forward to hanging the rest of the art – I found a cheap solution for frames that is good for renters … and anyone who wants frames on the cheap! Check back soon!
I am taking part in The Terpblog’s 10-Day Etsy Extravaganza Giveaway – Make sure to stop by tomorrow (July 12th) for a chance to win a print from my Etsy shop!
Now that's something I could add to my daughters' bedroom! Thanks for the idea.