Last week we drove from CA to OH and to say that I’m happy to be somewhat settled would be an understatement! Before we moved, a good bit of time was spent returning our rental to it’s bland self, selling tons of furniture on craigslist (if you’ve ever done this you know it’s very annoying except for meeting a few very sweet people, if you’re reading from the central coast, you are one of the exceptions 🙂 clearing out the garage (that took way too much time and too many trips to the dump/habitat restore), and de-junkifying … I’m exhausted just thinking about the few months prior!
It was a long week. Part of me wished that we flew, but at least 50% of our reason for driving was still applicable, Annabelle. She would have to go in cargo… So worth it 🙂
What we do for our baby-dogs 🙂 Cargo never seems like a puppy friendly place so its nice you had the option of all spending the week together traveling. On the crane … its amazing what can be deemed a good decision, right!? Totally agree that the purchase of new / replacement bed should have cost way less money than the crane, but it might have been a business policy issue that drove that choice … one that makes sense 95% of the time, just not this time. Hopefully you'll be asked for feedback on how well the move arrangements worked and you can share.
Yes! although the time spent in the car and moving from hotel room to hotel room was probably just as hard on her 🙁
The whole moving process was so unorganized, we were told the day of that the method of moving our herringbone table wasn't going to work out … so the movers came up with something, it better not be damaged!!! I just hope that everything gets here ok (last time all of our furniture was damaged somehow 🙁
Welcome to Ohio! I am a new follower of your blog who loved your redo of your last rental in CA. Can't wait to see the marvels produced by you and your husband in your Ohio "home." Best wishes!
I had my first Portillo's experience this summer…YUM! And you're right…the pizza is definitely better IN Chicago.
You were in my neck of the woods on your trip! (I'm a South Bend-er)
I can't wait to see everything as you settle in!
Girl that sounds exhausting! I cannot imagine with that crane?!? But, it sounds like many memories were made on this move and sometimes it is times like those that make for the great stories down the road. So happy that you are getting somewhat settled in now!
Welcome to Ohio!! Let me know if you ever venture down to Cincinnati! Would love to meet up with ya! Lake Erie is so pretty. I spent many days on the beaches as a kid, but on the Canadian side:) Sorry to hear about the bad move. Hopefully the rest goes smoothly!
What a trip! Glad you all made it safely even though the government ruined all the fun. Can't wait to see your new place!
Sounds exhausting! Your little swirls on the map cracked me up 😉
Loved seeing all your trip photos.
What an awesome adventure you guys just went on…so happy you found a home!
Glad you made it safely across the country! LOVE Portillo's! They just opened 2 in the Phoenix area with one about a mile from my office… so dangerous! Can't wait to see what you do with the new place!
So happy your are settled, Sarah! Loved seeing the crane adventure!! 🙂
how cute are you two? seriously- such an adorable couple and team you are- i love it! fun road trip and so glad you made it safely!
Welcome to Ohio! Let me know if you are ever in Columbus, my new digs! Just moved myself. Sp not fun. But at least this place is mine! Can you come and decorate for me?
We are not far from Park City. My husband and I even went to the olympic event from your picture (at least it looks like it) aerial freestyle. I'm quite excited to see all the things you come up with in your new place, when that time comes.
SUCH a bummer about the national parks – I am a total nerd for national parks, they're my favorite kind of place to visit and I could listen to park rangers prattle on all day 🙂 Still…looks like you saw some pretty sights and got some good eats along the way! So happy for you that you found a cool place with a view!
Happy to have you here in Ohio! Welcome!
What a road trip…full of adventure! LOVE Giordano's in Chicago, it's been 13 years since I've eaten there but still probably the best pizza I've ever had! So glad you're getting settled!
wow! that is quite a trip across county! I'm in Indiana! I can't imagine going California to the midwest! That stinks about the parks! Im sure that ruined some fall breakers plans this year! Glad you are settled in and cant wait to hear about your place! Happy unpacking
Yay! Welcome to Ohio! I'm so excited to follow along with your adventures 😉
I love portillos and am more of an avid lou malnatis fan but giordanos is good too! 🙂
I loved all your IG photos of your moving adventure. You really found a way to stay positive through such a stressful time. I'm so happy you made it to your destination safely. Now hurry up and get back to designing already' I'm having Sarah withdrawals!
I don't even know how I found your blog but I'm happy I did! As an Ohio to CA interior designer transplant, I did the reverse journey and let me tell you, I miss my home because the people were so damn great. Nowhere will you find harder working, more real, honest, been-there-done-that peeps than Ohio. It's the best place ever to adventure around the urban ruins and go on weekend thrift scouting trips. I am super excited to read through all the old posts as your creativity and love show through on each project. Can't wait to see what beauty you make on the East Coast! xx
Thanks so much for stopping by!! 🙂 I've loved thrifting so far, lots of great stuff!!!